Go to our art page to learn more.
We specialize in high quality embellishment treatments through the use of top of the line manual and automatic screen printing machines.
We are currently running multiple M&R automatic machines with the capability of producing up to 14-colors and 10,000+ prints a day. We also run three manual printing presses for the smaller run qty and specialty projects.
Our TEAM HG production department uses a highly detailed computer work order system for order scheduling, tracking, invoicing, shipping and design/print specification information.
Depending on garment types, purpose and customer requests we are trained of use of multiple ink types.
- Standard non-phthalate plastisol
- Waterbase
- Discharge waterbase
- HSA waterbase ( Team HG is honored to partner with Rutland Inks to beta test
new HSA inks for production uses. ]
- Plasticharge ( discharge / plastisol hybrid )
- EKO ( non-PVC ink )
- Silicone
- Solvent based.
TEAM HG - Screenprinting Craftsmen
Our TEAM HG art department is working with 20+ years in the industry so we have the knowledge, talent and abilities to create and process artwork for the best possible print application or technique. We take into consideration art style, ink types, garment type and end customer use when processing artwork.
TEAM HG - Team mottos:
- Passion in the Print.
- Imagine the possibilities.
- The TEAM is greater than.....
- Success in serving is serving success.
- Creating new favorite t-shirts.
Team HG is honored to produce works for our customers and we are grateful for the opportunities to serve and produce using our gifts and talents. Thank you -B. Hyder